自从有了非死不可这个好东西后,天天黏在上面,连字都索性全往那里堆了,然后,部落格杂草丛生,彻底荒芜。其实时不时都有冲动想把那时那刻那个特别的想法记录下来,只是很多时候,都和自己说:“待会吧,待会一定写。” 而搁着的继续搁着,结果的结果是那些思绪都被一一遗弃。
俊辉 --->> 你给我的感觉像静猫抓伤人……哈哈。不过你是可爱的猫啦……还有,有时不要酱固执哦……
俊麟 --->> 你有一副冷静及一双一直眯眯的眼睛。说话的速度及节奏都~好~像~这~样~而且有时候一针见血,是很好啦,不过有时候过多就会反效果哦~XD
安古 --->> 学姐~哈哈哈!!没想到你也是下乡的~...还跟我同一个campus~其实很早就看过你的~只是不确定你是不是我认识的那个人~哈哈哈!!你眼睛小小~跟我有的比咯~虽然我比较可爱~不过~我们都是可爱类拉~^^希望你的眼睛不要变大~要继续可爱下去~阿哈哈!!^^
慧恩 --->> 你很有大姐姐的感觉,什么意见都可以有话直说,敢怒敢言,真的很敬佩你这一点。只是有时候会觉得你对某些事情比较执著,其实有些事情不需要太过在意,要让自己放得开一点。不过,我还是很欣赏你那种善良的个性,有时间再一起聊啦~^^
方豪 --->> 差点忘了回,哈哈,就如你所说,你我都是同样性格吧,喜欢你的直肠话说,你的意见总是让人眼前一亮,让大家能够再作考虑。不错的。就一点嘛,有些时候您的沟通技巧还要注意,因为不是每人都吃你那套。一起加油吧。
Louis --->> hm..the gal who will say own name instead of ‘我’..still remember first time saw you ho, talk very very 小声, but confident with yourself……Realized u're also determined on this activity after ended! som1 easy to get along with! It seems u enjoyed every moment back then, and always change ur voice tune when speak..but hor, seems that u restrict yourself from being too active lor.. you should have fun play hard!
Yuki --->> this 1st idea or 1st impression of u is not in that event.. is from ur blog.. i can't remember how i clicked into ur blog.. but it impressed me...erm...i think u hav tried very hard to be a simple person.. try to express urself directly, try to see thing directly. try to hope this world could be simple.. (i am not sur……e.. but this is the feeling u give to me..)nth wrong to be simple, but in the real world, nth is simple.. i think u hav a very conservative perspective abt relationship.. u r very original, u hav ur own style, u r a very responsible person and u r loyalty as well.. but my suggestion for u is : trying to do something which u think that is abnormal or unusual.. life shd be more colorful.. dun only paint in black and white only..in my personal life, i will always do sth i am not willing to do.. coz i dun wan to hav a normal life.. so i always challenge myself.. this is the way i paint my life.. of course, u hav ur own choice and own brush.. but dun "fit" urself in the only way.. explore more, open to the new things.. u will find everything so different =)
最近在想些以前没有想过的东西。比如真心话,以往我都爱听好的不爱听坏,可是,明明缺点也是我的一部分啊。往往害怕别人知道自己的不堪,可是又为什么要害怕,我有美好的一面,当然也有不美好的。为什么我就偏爱好的,讨厌坏的?我要接受自己也会情绪化、会脾气暴躁、会做错事、会达不到预期的标准,我要爱那个不完美的自己 =)